A kind person finally came along and offered temporary shelter for Trudy but that’s all it is. Trudy is at least safe from harm, thank God, but she doesn’t have much longer there. The landlord is not happy about her being there and once again we are scrambling to find another foster home.
Would you please help me again to put the word out and cross post her to try to find her a foster home? Please also look for it on the Silver Rescue FB page and share. Of course, if we can find a forever home that would even be better. She is a sweet girl. She is drop dead gorgeous. She is long legged and elegant and approximately a year old. She is playful and does well with other dogs. We don’t advocate a placement with cats. She’s not bad with the resident cat but she’s a bit too excitable for a cat and with all those play antics that cats don’t appreciate it. She has no medical issues. She loves to walk and would make someone a great walking partner. Or even a great running partner when it isn’t dangerously hot. Being that she’s partly lab with seriously webbed feet, she should also enjoy a good swim. She might actually make a great agility candidate. She is intelligent and soooo wants to please.
Silver Rescue will support the foster family with food and vetting and a crate.
If anyone is interested in adopting her through this posting Silver Rescue will reduce the regular $200 adoption fee by ½ to $100 to an approved family.
Please contact [email protected] for a foster or adoption application.
Thanks so much for your help!