This is the month for giving thanks and we have so much to be thankful for. One true blessing is our new dog, Freckles. Like so many pit bulls, he has had a hard life. Somehow, his forgiving nature has seen him through.
From the day he was born, Freckles was set up to fail. The product of a backyard breeder, he was sold at just four weeks, too young to have learned proper socialization with humans and other dogs. Typical of the bully breed, he craved human attention but rarely received it. He grew up neglected and practically alone, his food bowl as his only toy. He had no way of learning how to live in a home as part of a family, and didn’t know what it felt like to be valued and loved. Also typical of his breed, he continued to love humans even though they betrayed him time and again.

Freckles’ Good Samaritan was kind but clueless and he managed to do everything wrong. Luckily, he reached out to Silver Rescue for help training Freckles and making his home and yard safe for Freckles and his other dogs. Freckles proved himself a loving, gentle soul with humans, cats, and other dogs but one particular dog in the home tested Freckles to his non-confrontational limits. The Akita, McGoo, hated Freckles from the first time he laid his eye on him.

We knew Freckles was a wonderful but misunderstood dog who did not deserve to lose his life. We bailed him off death row - twice – and promised to give him a chance to prove it. After his second release from Animal Control, Freckles’ family surrendered him to us. We were overflowing with animals as usual, so we began a search for a sanctuary for Freckles. Responsible sanctuaries are hard to find and very expensive, but luckily a loyal supporter helped us board Freckles with his trainer where he could live a normal home life, safe and loved.

Because of his history and what we call his “rap sheet”, we knew he would be difficult to place in a suitable home. In three years, he’s attracted a handful of applications, but the right one has never come along. Maybe it was meant to be, because now that he is here, we cannot bear to part with him. So, it’s official: Freckles is no longer “adoptable”.
He has found his forever home at Silver Rescue.